Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Cannabis And Creativity Upcycling And Recycling

Hello Everyone!

And welcome for another blog post of most insightful thoughts all based off of the fact that I am a partaker of Cannabis.  I am  a lover of Cannabis. I am a Medical Cannabis Patient.  And when I enjoy a nice Cannabis strain that can alleviate the pain that I experience daily from arthritis in both of my knees and ankles  I know that I am ready to be creative.

Here is a few photos that I have decided to share with you of my art to show you how creativity is enhanced through partaking of this beautifully healing herb known as Cannabis, Bingus, Jazz Clover, Weed, Pot, Marijuana, Grass, or Ganja.

Please Stay Creative Mother Earth's Soldiers!


Sunday, August 6, 2017

Cannabis And Meditation Knowing When To Let Go Of Drama

Today I discuss a matter of metaphysical proportions.  I want to talk to you all about how Cannabis has given me the ability to just let a lot the stresses and worries that I could have going on in any given day go.  How do I let those things just go?  I go outside.  I sit down and get in touch with Mother Earth.  I ask my dear sweet mother if what I am fearful of at the moment is worth my time and energy.  Mother Earth let's me know that fear is an energy that can be easily transformed into love. 

With the assistance of Cannabis I am able to immerse myself in loving kindness and heal all of those wounds from the past that try and become infected and fester.  When I look at each and every individual traumatic life experience I have had so far I am able to appreciate my place on this planet so much better.  I know that I came down to planet Earth to offer up my sympathetic ear to those who truly ask and want my help.

I feel like the best gift that anyone can give is a listening ear.  Letting go of drama from the past has been a life saver for me.It is very easy to get caught up in how things use to be and not realizing that hey I am here right now and I am not within the boundaries of the past. 

I hope my blog helps anyone out there who wants learn to let  go of drama that no longer feels like it should be a normal everyday occurrence in the world today.

Brightest Blessings,


Friday, August 4, 2017

Cannabis And Motivation

Some say that Cannabis takes away their passion, their drive for more in life.  And that the average Cannabis partaker just sits on a couch all day eating Doritos and drinking Mountain Dew.  I read this article about what famous celebrities have to say about their experience with Cannabis and I was not too surprised when I read about Robert Downey Jr. saying that cannabis takes away his ambition.  Not the exact words but you get my point.  And who knows for sure if that is indeed what Robert Downey Jr. said.  He was in the news quite a bit when they exposed his addictions to hard drugs.

Before I partake of Cannabis I have intentions that I make.Here are some them that I hope will help you all out if you are feeling unmotivated after partaking in Cannabis:

 One intention is that I am going to sit here in meditation and I will ask the plant for assistance in calming my soul so that I can get into a deep sense of peace and calm. 

The second intention I will make before smoking is that I want the herb to help assist me in my daily chores for the day.  I request that Cannabis help me with my arthritis in my knees and ankles  and help me to get through my day pain free.

Thank you for sitting down to enjoy today's blog.  I hope you all were smoking something tasty while reading.

Brightest Blessings,  The Productive Cannabis Connoisseur

Thursday, August 3, 2017

Cannabis And Meditation

So many people take nature for granted.  And those that have easy access to Cannabis take this herb for granted.  When I meditate outside in nature and medicate outside in nature there is a sense of well being that I feel.  I feel healed and blessed every day that I can breathe in the air and see how my life has gotten me so far on my path here on planet Earth.

Within nature I feel complete and whole.  With the first inhalation of Cannabis I am transported to a reality of peace, calm and tranquility.  I feel like my life is flowing.  I am going with the flow and doing what I know.  And when I learn more I practice the knowledge.  Once I understand the knowledge then I spread the knowledge the best way that I can.

The best way that I can share what I have learned in this lifetime is by showing you how I deal with life's ups and downs.  I was diagnosed with PTSD, Arthritis in both of my knees and ankles and social anxiety.  All of these conditions came up through all of my life experiences thus far here on planet Earth.  Cannabis has helped me to listen to my higher self.  When people say that they are high it is true that they are highly elevated.

Just the act of smoking or eating cannabis can bring on a deep and heavy form of communication with your higher self.

Trust your intuition.  Your intuition is always right.  We don't trust our intuition enough in this world. Through partaking of Cannabis for about 14yrs I have learned that this miracle herb is great for bringing a sense of balance to my life and making me love myself more and more every moment of the day.  The more that I love myself the more likely I will be able to spread love to others that are truly needing of some loving energy.

Thank you all for being so supportive of my channel The Productive Cannabis Connoisseur. 

Brightest Blessings, Trina


Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Cannabis Heals The Depressed Mind

Hello Everyone!  Today I am going to talk about Cannabis and The Depressed Mind.  When I feel very sad and hopeless I smoke of the herb called Cannabis and feel hopeful and optimistic.  I like to primarily smoke my herb out in the great outdoors but when I don't have access to Mother Earth I do smoke indoors.  Baths are especially important for me when I am feeling down in the dumps.

And I indeed love to soak in a nice hot bubble bath with a joint, a bong or a pipe.   There are so many ways to deal with depression.  I have PTSD and when I get down and low there are many things that I do .  I sort through my thoughts.  That is basically meditation for me. When I sit outside in nature I like to sit barefoot.  I like to close my eyes so that I can really take in the sensations of the Cannabis and Mother Earth all at once.  It is a very deeply spiritual experience for me to be blessed with a backyard and a front yard to have these moments of healing from the day trials and tribulations.

I love to create art outside to alleviate any anxiety that crops up during my day.  What is especially relaxing is making beads out in nature.  Many times the beads that I create are a reflection of what I see in nature.  More so the colors and textures than actually insects or birds found in nature.  Although it would be interesting to try and create beads with insects and birds drawn or painted on them.

I love to write also to take me out of a down mood.  I have a journal that I write in whenever I am totally stressed out.  For me, journal writing is very therapeutic.  You get a chance to write out all of your feelings and emotions without fear of judgment.  It is a healing conversation with yourself.

I hope yo all enjoyed reading today's blog.  And I hope you found something of value withing these words I put together to help others out there not feel so alone.  You are not alone. 

The Cannabis Community is all about supporting those who are wanting to heal.

Brightest Blessings



Saturday, July 29, 2017

Cannabis Edibles Are Strong Medicine

Hello all recently I created a new Cannabis Bohemian Kitchen show for my The Productive Cannabis Connoisseur youtube channel.  I show you how I make Cannabis Blackberry Mini Pies.  They were so delicious and very strong and effective medicine! 

After completing the how to's of the recipe  I recorded a showing the effects of eating the pie.  That pie had me highly elevated for 6 hours straight! So what I suggest to growers is that while you have a big harvest set aside some Cannabis just for baking.  That way if you didn't grow enough medicine this go round you will have some mighty strong edibles to get you through the lean times of your herb growing cycle.

Anybody can bake edibles.  Just knowing your dosage is important.  I always say to not have too much when you are trying edibles for the first time.  Like for instance the Cannabis Blackberry Mini Pies are very strong.  I used 15grams of Cannabis in the crust so if this is your first time with edibles have only half of a pie and wait an hour to see how you feel.

Thank you to everyone who has been so supportive of my youtube channel The Productive Cannabis Connoisseur.  I reached over 600 subscribers and I feel happy to be a part of the Cannabis Community!

You can find me on these Social Media Platforms:

You can find my artistic creations here:

I also have a Patreon where you can support my art :

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Cannabis And Yoga

So today I recorded a yoga video where I am just doing simple sun salutations and standing poses.  I have been partaking in Cannabis and practicing yoga for almost 20yrs.  I am not a certified yoga instructor.  I am not a teacher.  I am a person who after having a very painful C- Section operation was in desperate need of a form of exercise that was not too overly exerting and would help me to heal. 

Once I was approved by my physician at the time to carry on with physical activity my husband brought home this dvd from his job at the time . He worked at a pawn shop many moons ago and he was able to get deals on dvds and video games etc..  So he brought home this yoga dvd called Yoga For Weight Loss.  The yoga instructor's name is Susanne Deason .  She started teaching yoga to her friends and family to help with the obesity crisis on our planet.  Within this video I was able to see the basic yogic poses to help with my recovery.  Yoga helped me in so many ways.  I also have other yoga dvds that I like but haven't practiced for quite some time because my fitness level is not there yet. 

Here is a list of the yoga videos that I have currently. 
Rodney Yee:

1.Power Yoga Total Body- When you read the title of the dvd you know you are in for quite a yogic workout! Rodney Yee is very thorough and has a very calming affect with his voice to help guide you into more challenging poses.  I did this  Yoga workout when I was more flexible and had more endurance.  I am still practicing yoga but not at  this expert level.

2.  abs Yoga for Beginners - This video is wonderful!  It gets your abdominal muscles strong and sculpted and also helps to improve your digestion.  It is another intense yogic workout but you can do whatever your skill level requires.

3.Mayo Clinic High Blood Pressure : This video starrs RodneyYee and his wife . In this video they give tips on how to keep stress at bay. They talk about what foods are more beneficial to helping you keep your blood pressure down.  And Rodney Yee leads in a 40 minute yoga session that is much too intense for me right now. But I do like what they are trying to do with showing you that you can rely on the way you eat alone to be more healthy.  Exercise is important as well. Stretching is extremely important for people of all ages.

4. Suzanne Deason Yoga Conditioning For Weight Loss- This yoga video was by far the most use by me. The reason being is that it so beginner friendly.  Within this video there are three instructors doing the yogic poses at different skill levels.  So that way you can follow whatever level you are at .  I noticed a change in how my joints and bones felt after doing this workout for several years.  Now I can do parts of the workout  without the dvd just because I memorized it.

5. Baron Baptiste Power Yoga The Initial Challenge Level 1:  This yoga video was like being in a yoga class feels like or at least what I would imagine it to feel like.  I have never taken a yoga class but this video kinda gave me the same vibe of a yoga class with many different people at different skill levels. It is a powerful workout and Baron Baptiste is a powerful instructor.  I was at much higher level of flexibility when I use to use this workout.  It is worth a try if you have been practicing on a consistent basis.

6.  Sybel's Yoga for Sports & Fitness:  This yoga videois brought to you by Maria Sharapova.  She is was the  2006 US Singles Chmpion and the 2004 Wimbledon Singles Champion. This is a relaxing yogic workout but I don't consider it to be beginners. 

So once Cannabis entered into my life I found both go hand and hand for sure. If my muscles are sore before and after a workout partaking in the herb always helps to soothe and heal my body.

Thank you for stopping by to hear me talk about the benefits I have found from partaking in Cannabis and practicing Yoga.

Brightest Blessings,


Sunday, July 23, 2017

Cannabis And Maturity

So today I decided to write about Cannabis and Maturity.  I think that many who do not partake of Cannabis consider those who do to be immature.  By many still Cannabis is viewed as something that you experiment with when you are young. I didn't not try Cannabis until I was in my mid twenties. My first time was at a party where there was a group of lesbians who smoked upon a pipe with me outdoors on a porch under the stars.  It was a brief yet memorable experience.  The women that I partook the herb with were older than me but this did not matter.  Age was not a factor when it came to sharing this blissful and ultimately peaceful plant.

I have just turned 43 yrs old today.  July 23, 1973 is the date of my birth.  So many people dread their birthday.  I look forward to this special occasion.  It is the day I was born.  If I was not born I would not be here to experience all of the complex and emotionally educationally events thus far.  Cannabis and Meditation has me feeling this way even more and more everyday.

Age is really a state of mind.  That is what I have come to realize from living on this planet.  So many get wrapped up in how they should feel or act because they are a certain age.  And who could blame anyone when all of this commercial bullshit is being pushed in your face to buy to look like you are 20 yrs old again.  If more people could step away from the TV set and go out and be with Mother Earth they will most definitely see more of what is going on within this planet of ours that we work so hard to tear down.

Their are true Mother Earth Warriors out there. A lot of you are partaking in Cannabis and finding that this herb is giving you the confidence  to carry out your spiritual life path.

Brightest Blessings To You All



Friday, July 21, 2017

Awake And Baked Cannabis And Ginseng Tea

Hello all thank you for stopping by once again for my insights that have been inspired by my favorite herb Cannabis.  I have been doing these Wake And Bake Nature Smoke sessions and with almost every wake and bake I notice that the type of tea I drink along with my smoke session leaves me feeling in different energy levels.

For instance, this morning while recording my Wake And Bake smoke session I was drinking Celestial Seasoning's Ginseng Lemon And Honey Tea.  I was smoking the strain Little Purple and it was delightful.  When I smoked Little Purple with black tea it was quite a different experience.  The feeling I got from the combination of black tea and Cannabis felt the same as when I use to drink coffee and smoke Cannabis.  For me the two are not a good mix for me.  My stomach gets upset and my mind is not completely focused.

I often wondered if people who smoke a strain that can make you chipper and then drink coffee along with it would it make you too extremely hyper.  I think it would.  Would it be like drinking 10 Redbull drinks?  I really don't think I am that interested to learn with first hand experience.  I will keep my drinking of ginseng to a reasonable amount. 

I do feel awake and totally baked and I am still sipping on that same cup of  tea feeling mellow and able to write today in this blog.  I have always found writing therapeutic.  I have always found certain teas to have therapeutic properties.  I have also come to find that Cannabis is truly therapeutic for me as well.

Tea, Canabis , and Writing.  What a perfect trio.

Brightest Blessings To You All

You can find me also on youtube under the name The Productive Cannabis Connoisseur.

I also have a facebook like page called The Productive Cannabis Connoisseur.


Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Magick Of Makeup And Cannabis

On today's show of  Magick Of Makeup And Cannabis I talk color therapy, and my new channel called Healing with color.  I find putting on makeup to be a very sacred ritual between me and my higher self.  I choose the color that fit my mood and that I know will help heal me for the day.

Thank you for being supportive of my channels.

You can also find me at these social media platforms:

Thursday, July 13, 2017

Cannabis Infused Pizza Bread Cannabis Bohemian Kitchen

So recently I posted a show for my Cannabis Bohemian Kitchen show on my youtube channel under the name The Productive Cannabis Connoisseur.   It is a recipe for Cannabis Infused Pizza Bread.  You can go check out my youtube channel and give that recipe a go.  It is very easy and fairly healthier than having someone make it for you.

Please do check it out and share the recipe with  your friends and family

Brightest Blessings,

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And you can email me here:

Cannabis And Indecision Mixing Strains

There are many people who claim that when they smoke Cannabis they become indecisive.  I want to ask that person if they were a person who had problems with making decisions before they partake of the herb. Many people will blame Cannabis for their supposed unproductive behavior. I think that it is quite unfair to blame Cannabis for such an idiotic thing as your indecisiveness. 

Another question I would like to ask a person who claims that Cannabis makes them indecisive is if that said person was drinking alcohol while having these feelings of indecisiveness.  I have witness behavior before.  I saw a person drink two beers and the smoke a joint.  And then not too long afterwards this person will be even worse at making decisions.  It is not the joint that you smoke. Perhaps you can consider that it was the alcoholic beverage you consumed.  The Cannabis in the joint is trying to make up the difference for the spirits that were consumed.

This is a something that not many want to admit to.  Maybe you were an indecisive person before you started smoking Cannabis.  Cannabis does just the opposite for me as far as when I smoke Indica or Indica dominant hybrids.  I feel more focused and I can make decisions based on my intuition .  I did notice that when I partake of too much Sativa I have a hard time figuring out how to stay focused.  The Sativa strains get my heart raising if I have it all by itself.

That is why if I have both Sativa and Indica I mix them so that the Sativa is not making me feel too unfocused and foggy in the brain.

All of what I say in this blog and previous blog entries are based off of personal experience and observations of others that I know who partake in this great healing herb Cannabis.

Thank you for stopping by my humble abode

Brightest Blessings To You All,


Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Landlord Stress Cannabis Anxiety Panic

So yeah as you can tell by the title of this blog entry there is  a bit of tension that exists within my world.  None to fear Cannabis is here.  I just lit up a huge fat joint that I rolled using old joints and some mid grade Cannabis .  I am preserving my extra strength medicine by using less of it now.  You all know how that is.

This year thus far has been filled with ups and downs of astronomical proportion.  I practice every day staying in a state of calm. That is no easy task.  Some say that partaking in Cannabis while meditating is cheating.  I say Mother Earth provided Cannabis for us souls that are sensitive and want her help to stay focused and grounded on this planet.

So yeah I partaking in Cannabis as a medicine and for my spiritual journey here on Earth. So many are afraid to admit that they do see the benefits of using Cannabis while meditating.  I was one of those people.  There is still such a strong negative energy force that exists in this world.  This energy wants to stifle your creativity. This energy wants to make you believe that you are inferior at all times of the day or night.

I am not buying into the idea that in order to live a supposed sane  life having PTSD, Arthritis in both of my knees and ankles, and social anxiety I need to take the pharmaceuticals the doctors prescribe me instead of partaking of the sacred healing herb known as Cannabis.

So here I will now get to the frustrations and stress that I am feeling from the landlord of the house that I am renting.  The word landlord sounds a bit extreme.  So he is the Lord of this land that I live on. Wow.  So anyway my landlord decided to come by banging around painting the house today or trying to finish up what he started so he says. And I was a bit surprised to see him here today because last week I asked his wife if he would be coming by.  She sent me a text message saying that she would tell me when he is coming by.  But obviously she did not.

And then I feel the tension and frustration of another person involved and it quite frankly causing me the most panic . 

So in the midst of all the crazy energies floating about through everyone world I sold a handbag off of my shop from a dear sweet soul who watches all of my channels.  So there are blessings among the chaos.  I just have to be observant at all times.  Knowing when to act and knowing when to just observe has been an important key in helping me deal with PTSD.

Thank you all for joining me today!

I hope you find peace within your days and nights and meditate, medicate, and breathe deeply in the fact that Cannabis is truly a healing herb of our nation.

Brightest Blessings,


Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Fire On Babylon Stress Cannabis Nature

Hello all,  I have been having some trying times these days.  Especially the past 2 weeks. Lots of drama with my landlord, and other various dramas.  My mind processes everything that I experienced in a way that is unimaginable to most.  Ever since I started partaking in Cannabis I have noticed how this beautiful herb has helped guide me on the road to wellness.

Whatever the bumps in the road Cannabis come into my world and spread a protective energy of self love and peace around me and within me.  I am so thankful and feel so blessed everyday to be able to partake in this lovely plant.  I feel good knowing that  when I partake in Cannabis I become a calmer, less anxiety ridden mellow being on this planet. 

I myself do not believe that we were all meant to live a life of constant heartache and stress from day to day and night to night. When someone lives everyday without doing something within their days that brings that person a sense of peace, joy and wisdom  they become depleted of energy.  They many forget what their purpose is here on Mother Earth.

For me Cannabis helps to reconnect me each and every day to the very reality that life is really what you make of it.  That statement may come off as being very harsh and cold.  But when you have experienced a life like mine you would want to agree completely.  I have many hardships and trials and tribulations in my time and in this time currently.  The key for me is to remember that when everything in the world feels crazy just take some time out and get back out in Mother Earth.  Meditating in Mother Earth is a great healing tool for me and for many of us sensitive souls out there in the world making a difference by the positive vibrations we emit from our very existence.

Brightest Blessings To You All



Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Cannabit and Anger Management

So today I am going to talk to you all about anger management and how it pertains to me and my life currently.  Recently a person in our neighborhood complained of the smell of cannabis plants and my neighbor was ordered to take out his plants that he had growing outdoors.  He came by to warn us and  we thanked him profusely.  Even though Cannabis was made recreational here in California we still face major obstacles.  My neighbor showed me the day that the inspector will be coming by to make sure he took the plants out of the ground.

My neighbor is a hard working father and medicates for his own ailments.  So why are us poor folks being fucked with so much?  The woman that complained  does not seem to mind the smell of tobacco smoke.  Cause there sure is a lot of that junk floating over to my area.  Do I complain about it? No.  What I do is burn a smudge stick and get on with life.

People still have such a disdain for people who partake in Cannabis.  So many people are still convinced that everyone who smokes Cannabis is the same stereotype that they have grown up with since the Reefer Madness era.  I wish this madness would stop and soon.  You would think because California made  Cannabis legal for recreational purposes there would be more a relaxed vibe around here when it comes to someone growing plants in their backyard.  No now the government wants to react to every little smell of cannabis complaint from every little nosy neighbor out there.  Don't you all have better things to do with you time!!! I mean really!!!

There are so many people who partake in Cannabis because it is there medicine.  Some people partake in and grow Cannabis because it is a cheaper, safer, and more effective medicine than pharmaceuticals!  I just get so tired of people judging others who are doing the best that they can with what they have.  You wouldn't arrest a person for growing tons of valerian.  The Valerian Root is very powerful and can cause hallucinations akin to a psychedelic trip.  So why isn't Valerian prohibited? There are many plants that are just seen as regular ole house plants that when ingested cause hallucinations.  And these same house plants are within the reach of children all of the time.

I feel more paranoid now when I walk outside my house with a joint in my hand.  I don't feel the sense of relief I though I would feel knowing that Cannabis is legal medicinally and for recreational purposes.  When it was just Medical the feds left us patients alone.  And when I say patient this word is applying to those who have epileptic seizures everyday, those who suffer from bi polar disorder, those who have PTSD.  Those who have arthritis.  Those who have Crohn's Disease.  Those who have MS.  Those who have Fibromyalgia . Those who have anger management issues.  All of these are reasons why people partake in this beautifully loving and healing plant.

I get tired of the oppressed being taken advantage and made to feel less than the elite all of the time.  When most of the time it is the elite that copy the poor and make money off of us.  I think that by people looking over your fence to see your private space  because a neighbor complains of the smell of some stinky cannabis plaint you are being violated.  Your privacy is being violated.  I am quite sure that most of the people that grow their own medicine here truly need it to get through these oppressive times.  Especially this ridiculous form or lack of a form of Government we have going on right now.

I am not sure when this uneasy feeling will subside within me.  Perhaps when I own my land  and move far away from nosy neighbors that no nothing about why we grow our medicine.  We come from an oppressed nation.  This country still discriminates against Blacks and Hispanics predominantly when it comes to Cannabis way more harshly than the White European.  And I am sick and tired of it.

I medicate with Cannabis everyday to help me cope with the world around me.  I am not going to sit here and type out that if you smoke Cannabis all of your problems will go away.  Just the opposite you see because that is what most want to think about this plant if this said person has never tried this miraculous plant.  What actually happens when I partake of Cannabis is that I see the world for what it truly is.  I am able to calm down and meditate and ask for assistance. I do believe in the power of my ancestors , my guardian angels, Arch Angel Michael, my ancestors and all of the positive forces that see my efforts.

Saturday, July 1, 2017

Cannabis And Depression

Some say you should not partake in Cannabis if you are diagnosed with depression.  When I was diagnosed with PTSD by a psychologist one of the symptoms of PTSD is depression.  My doctor prescribed me the drug Zoloft.  I told her that I have a difficulty with swallowing pills.  She prescribed me liquid Zoloft.  There is no excuse in the pharma industry for a patient not being able to take their toxic poisonous chemicals.  They will making it accessible to anyone no matter what ailment you may have.  Oh you can't swallow pills?  We have a liquid version of this toxic poison that we will sell to you.  But quite possibly they will give to you through insurance.

Anyway this is enough to make a depressed person commit suicide.  Not a joke intended here at all.  I was one of those people who attempted to end life.  I tried to end my life.  I felt helpless and alone and it was at a time that I had no support.  I went into the military hoping that I would escape the depression and that only made it worse.  I ended taking pain pills to end my life.  Fortunately that suicide attempt did not work because I still had and still have work to do here on planet Earth.

Cannabis is a plant . Cannabis is a healing plant.  And once people realize this then there will be no more stereotypes and discrimination against those who partake in this beautiful herb.  Cannabis has helped me to understand why I get depressed.  When I partake of this plant I sit down with my thoughts and heal old wounds.  I create art and I write in my journal.  I do yoga.  I go on walks.  All of these activities I do while have Cannabis in my system.

Thank you so much for taking the time to stop by my humble abode .  Feel free to check out my videos on my The Productive Cannabis Connoisseur Youtube channel!

Monday, June 26, 2017

Cannabis Anxiety PTSD The Landlord

Today I thought was going to be a calm ordinary day.  I went outside in my backyard at about 6:30 am to prepare for my show that I like to do in the mornings lately.  It is called Wake And Bake Nature Smoke Session.  I was feeling really relaxed and at peace within my world all throughout recording this show for today.

After I finished recording the show I gathered up my things to bring back in to the house when I noticed by looking through the back gate that my landlord was here and has begun painting on the house.  All of a sudden I  was struck with panic.  I didn't think that he would be here until Tuesday.  I told him what days my husband has off.  So now he is here on my husband's day off.

We planned a shopping trip to get summer clothes for my son.  I have no idea how long this man will be here.  One thing is for sure is that it is much cooler today than it has been for the past week.  We experienced a severe heat wave here in sunny California.  Temperatures reached highs of 112 degrees.  And all the while through the heat my landlord has been showing up to paint the house.  At least on the really hot days he got here about 6:30 or 7 am so that he wouldn't have to endure such intense heat.

Hopefully he we leave at a decent time like say before noon.  But because the weather is cooler this may not be the case. I refuse to leave where I have all of my belongings while he is here painting this house.  I had this dream that I don't want to tell my son or my husband so as not to worry them.  I had a dream that my landlord was trying to sell his home on ebay.  I went out into the front yard and noticed that there were people looking at the house through their car.  

I don't feel as though this should cause me to panic but it does.  Whenever the landlord comes by I think of that dream.  There is a part of me that is not convinced that this is a precognitive dream.  The reason why I say this is because years ago when me, my husband, and son were renting a house downtown we had a landlord who was quite similar in how he communicated with his tenants.  This guy that we rented from  all these years ago put the house we lived in up for sale on ebay without telling us. 

It was very humiliating at the time to find this out.  There are so many people out there that have a nice income and own several homes.  Some of these people decide to rent to out these homes in order to pay for the mortgage on these extra homes or to just generate an extra income.  When it is all said and done there is no way that one person can care for more than one home all by their lonesome without beating the body to the ground.  That is what my landlord is doing. And I have spent way more time being concerned about this matter than I want to be.  I am s Mother, I am a Wife,  I am an Artist.  I am not a plumber or a landscaper.  And these are all things that I have been learning more about through living with the ordeals, trials and tribulations that occur here.

If my current landlord would have just hired someone to paint the house for him the job could have been done within a day or two.  Yet he is into penny pinching to the extreme even if it costs him his health. My husband is starting to panic too. And now today my landlord being here disrupts our family time.  My husband works Tuesday thru Saturday. He has Sundays and Mondays off.  The last thing he wants to here is the landlord making scraping noises and walking around all fast like he's pissed off all of the time.

This energy that he projects is truly toxic and I don't think that he even realizes what energy he is emitting. It is sad!    Yet at the same time I am concentrating on staying focused on what I know I am suppose to be doing here.  There are opportunities that come my way when I am not filled with so much anxiety.

So what do I do to get rid of this intense anxiety while my landlord is hanging around painting the entire house?  When the landlord is here I play some relaxing chants which you can find on  you tube.  My favorite go to has been DHYAANGURU DR. NIPUN AGGARWAL.  His youtube page has various types of chants and meditations to help rid your environment of toxic energies.  Energy is real.  And it can be intense or passive.  Or in between.  I like to dispel negative energy in any way that I can.  I smoke some hashish and flower.  I take my cannabis tincture too. 

That is how intense situations like this can get when you have anxiety, and PTSD.  I have found that a lot of people are saying that they have PTSD and don't  even know what it truly means.  I was diagnosed with PTSD about  2 or 3 yrs ago.  I read about it before going to a psychologist to get diagnosed.  I knew that is what I had before the psychologist prescribed me zoloft and told me I have PTSD.   I never took the zoloft and I don't think that taking that synthetic drug would have been better than smoking a joint of some of the strongest Indica strain that I have.

I believe in natural plant healing.  I don't believe in chemicals to treat conditions that have to healed and not just have a band aid put on them.

Thank you for stopping by my humble abode to hear how I deal with daily events in my life that can be downright stressful and truly trying of the patience.

Cannabis is a natural medicine and I am happy with how she has helped me in very challenging times here on planet Earth.

Sunday, June 25, 2017

Cannabis Magazines Wake And Bake

Hello if you don't know who I am well I am about to tell you.  My name is Trina and I am a Medical Cannabis Patient .  I partake of Cannabis on a regular basis for PTSD, Arthritis in both of my knees and ankles , social anxiety and a few other conditions I mention on my channel The Productive Cannabis Connoisseur.

I like to let people know they main reasons why I partake of this magickal herb because otherwise people just assume that I am a recreational smoker.   I have been recently doing some Wake And Bake Nature Smoke Sessions early in the morning.  And while doing some of these smoke session shows I have been reading articles from some really cool Cannabis magazines.

One of the articles that I read on today's show was talking about how hemp can replace fossil fuels.  We can be done with gasoline altogether.

The other article discussed how a brave woman opened up a dispensary to raise money to help out the senior citizen community in the LGBTQ community.  That is good news to know that the money generated from sales of Cannabis are going to worthy causes.

I also read an article from the magazine called Dope Magazine about Cannabinoids And The Nervous System.  Very interesting how cannabis works on the brain and the body. 

I have been greatly enjoying creating these morning Wake And Bake Nature Smoke Sessions.  On today's show I smoke some Lavender Kush out of a  bong.

Thank you for being so supportive of the Cannabis Community and our right to medicate with a natural plant called Cannabis.  Thank you for supporting the youtube channel  The Productive Cannabis Connoisseur.

I feel blessed and thankful everyday that I have Cannabis as my alternative form of medicine to help me heal and to keep a level state of mind.

Brightest Blessings To You All

You can find me on these Social Media Platforms:




You can see my Cannabis Inspired Art here:

Saturday, June 24, 2017

Black Women Racial Profiling Cannabis

Many are under the assumption that it is only black men or gay me that are discriminated against in the world well this is so untrue.  Black women have a lot of struggles as well.  We are prosecuted very harshly within the judicial system as well.  It just seems as though the media has the hot spots that they like to focus on.  Black woman have a struggle here on Earth as well as Black men and gay men.  What is that struggle you may ask.  The struggle is individual for each Black Woman.

When we walk outside of our homes we are judged.  We are expected to talk a certain way to carry ourselves according to all of the stereotypes that exist in this world.  I refuse to respond to this request.  The other day a person made a comment on one of my videos that seemed to insinuate that I was clueless as to the plight of the black man and the gay man.  Buddy you have no idea.  I saw my dad struggle not to have a white man be in control of him when I was growing up.  I can remember when he worked at this phone company he said really loud one day " I am not going to let some cracker white person tell me how to work or to be my supervisor.  He illustrated how the world treated black me.

I saw one of my brothers struggle so hard to get a job out here in sunny California "the land of opportunity."

I am not a black man or a gay man.  I will never truly understand their plight unless I am either a black man or a gay man.  I do feel sympathy for them both.  I just wish that people can see that the same thing that is going on as far as abusive behavior towards black men and gay me is happening to black women as well.  We are not as viable of an option in the eye of major corporations when it comes to career opportunities unless we straighten the crap out of our hair, wear a wig, or wear braided extensions.

In the Cannabis Community if you are a black woman, have freeform dreadlocks, and have a opinion about the world and  how you want to make positive change in the world through educating those who are wanting to learn about the benefits of Cannabis you are not really taken that seriously.  I am not looking to get tons of followers on my The Productive Cannabis Connoisseur channel. What I am looking to accomplish by having this channel accessible is to provide information about Cannabis that not everyone knows about.

I totally know what it is like to be harassed and hated just because of the color of my skin and my  freeform dreadlocks.  I just wish that people could learn to not make assumptions about a person before they really get a chance to know that person.

I have no ill will against the person who left that comment.  I think that we are all living in a world of our own.  Our perceptions of the world are based on our environment, our parents who raised us or didn't raise us.  The friends we hang out with, or if we are a more solitary person we get influenced more so by nature and our natural instincts about this planet.

I feel that Cannabis is helping people open up and share their own unique perspective about the world .

I hope that Cannabis can do the same for you if you choose to partake of the medicinal plant that is so filled with love.

Brightest Blessings Beautiful Souls

You can find me here on these Social Media Platforms:

You can visit my The Productive Cannabis Connoisseur youtube page to learn more about the wonders of Cannabis and her healing abilities.


Friday, June 23, 2017

Can Cannabis Wake You Up

The title of the blog post can be taken in many ways I suppose.  The thought of Cannabis waking someone perhaps sounds quite illogical to a person who has not much experience with this wonderfully medicinal plant.  Some say that when they smoke Sativa it makes them feel more awake and alert. Some say that Indica makes them tired and couch locked.    Some even say that Cannabis makes them feel awake and alert to the realities of life.  And that is where I am going with today's blog post.

I feel as though there are many people out there in this world that are going to try Cannabis for the first time and be totally awakened to the helping hand we desperately need to lend to our Mother Earth.  When your mind is relaxed you can see the world for what it really is.  You can truly see each intention of each and every soul you come in contact with.  It is my experience that if I partake in primarily Indica strain or Indica dominant hybrid strains, I am in a state of mind where I am able to move through this world observing the atrocities yet not fully absorbing all of the pain and struggle.

Instead of absorbing the pain of others I practice listening and letting a person have their own feelings.  I am empathic and that means that I can easily feel like I am living another person's life when I am around that person.  I can pick up on emotions, whether toxic or clear from impurities. So Cannabis also aids me in staying neutral in times of confrontations and conflicts that may arise from so many disagreements that people engage themselves in within a given day.  I see the allure and attraction to becoming a hermit. I feel that need to reach out for that type of solitude.  Yet I feel that Cannabis helps those who cannot escape to a temple or meditation retreat.

The first inhale and exhale of the day makes me know that I am getting in touch with the Divine.  I am connected to a supremely elevated plant. The Ancient Ones honored Cannabis eons ago.  Now we are getting back to that place in our hearts where we know that this planet need to be saved desperately.  We are all clinging to the meaning of life or our individual interpretation of the meaning of life.  It is hard to see what you life purpose is when you are bogged down with so much strife and oppression.  We are strong like a weed that is actually a medicinal herb that breaks through the soil with great strength and force. We are taking back our power.

What power is that you may ask.  It is the power to believe in ourselves.  It is the power to be able to walk out in nature and harvest Cannabis as medicine for our friends and family.  We are in control and balanced when we have the proper amount Cannabis within our system.  If not we are deficient.  Some are more deficient than others.  So if you have never tried Cannabis and you are experiencing all sorts of health problems you could research this plant more and see that Cannabis could quite possibly alleviate most or all of the symptoms you are experiencing now from whatever ailment you struggle with on a daily and nightly basis.

The Government for many years has suppressed the Cannabis plants.  It all started when the powers that be started smashing the weak down to the ground and creating class systems.  Separation was the key for so long on this planet.  That dominating control force was working over time.  Yet we cannabis partakers , us medicine women and men have been a powerful force in this world most obviously.  You can see the awakening occurring with people from the positive vibration that the Cannabis plant is radiating out into the world.

Are you awake to the fact that there are more than a dozen ailments that Cannabis can help cure and heal?  Are you awake to the fact that it is your right  as someone who walks on this planet Earth to partake of the healing herbs Mother Earth provides us.? Still so many are asleep in their waking world.  They would rather take a pill than see if there is a more natural alternative to treating whatever illness.   It is a sad reality. It is sad because so many of our loved ones have died .  And I just think that if Cannabis was legal before some of these beloved souls departing from this Earthly plane there is that possibility that they may have survived longer with a better quality of life.

I wish and hope for all of you out there to be awakened to the fact that Cannabis is a plant that is healing the planet and she can help heal you if you want her to.

Brightest Blessings To You All

You can find me on these Social Media Platforms:

You can see more of my art work on my etsy shop:

You can read about how I create my art here:

You can also email me with your questions regarding Cannabis and I can answer your questions on an upcoming show on my youtube channel under the name The Productive Cannabis Connoisseur.

Thursday, June 22, 2017

Cannabis And Anxiety Renting Meditation

Today I look at the landlord of the house that I am renting and feel so much anxiety and stress.  I fear that he will get so mad at us that he will kick us out on the street.  I start to get these panicky and frightening thoughts whenever he comes around with his very dark energy.  It is angry energy.  It is anger that has resulted from years of heart break, broken promises, dreams shattered, and no one to listen and truly understand.  Well at least that is what I got from him whenever he has been coming by to do maintenance on the house.

These events happening in my life regarding the landlord has preoccupied more of my  time than I care to have it.  I have been partaking in Cannabis to help the anxiety and panic subside.  And Cannabis has been therapeutic in this somewhat traumatizing experience.  What pisses me off the most is that my husband says that he is really stressed about the landlord coming over and complaining about so many things about this house.  Here's why I am pissed off by my husband saying this.  It is because he is not here to directly feel the impact of angry emotions that the landlord throws my way in a more aggressive than passive way.  

But within reflecting outside in nature after the landlord leaves I am able to partake in my herb without fear of judgement.  And when out sit outside in nature I think about why I am so pissed off. I am glad that my husband is not around when the landlord is here because he has enough to handle going to work for a job that doesn't pay him what he is worth.  Although the other day his boss talked about wanting to possibly give him a raise.  It's about damn time.  He is been working there for ages.

So anyone who wants to know how I manage my anxiety and panic attacks here is what I do:

1. I go outside.

2. I sit in a very comfortable chair or in the grass with my back against a tree, or even lie in the grass with my head back and legs touching the Earth.

3.  I close my eyes and ask for assistance from ArchAngel Michael, My Ancestors, My Spirit Guides, My Guardian Angels and all of the positive beings that are here on Earth with me to help me to remember my spiritual path.

4.  Then I partake in some Cannabis and allow the stress anxiety to flow out of my body and into the Earth.

5.  I then close my eyes and visualize that the fear is passing through my body and then is absorbed by the Earth.

6.  The Earth then neutralizes that negative fear energy and then evaporates it.

That is just a little creative imagination visualization practice that I do if my panic attacks come on too strong for me to handle by merely smoking Cannabis.  I am not saying that is will work for everybody but it is worth a try if you are really suffering.

Thank you for stopping by my humble abode for some information about Cannabis and Anxiety that you can share with your friends and family.

Brightest Blessings To You All

You can find me on these Social Media Platforms:


Instagram: Under the name Darkmoon Doll


You can also check out my art on my etsy shop that is totally cannabis inspired.

You can email me with any questions you may have pertaining to Cannabis.

Cannabis And The Watchful Eye

Whenever I go outside to partake in my herbal medicine, better known as Cannabis,  I feel like I am honoring my ancestors that came before me.  My ancestors most likely partook in this miraculously healing herb on a daily and nightly basis. So much history has been destroyed about the ancient civilizations and what type of plant life they have been ingesting for ages. 

The good news is we are working hard to recover this lost knowledge.  We are not just going to sites like archeologist searching for that rare fossil.  We are traveling there through thought.  When I sit outside and think about these ancient civilizations  while partaking in Cannabis I notice these images that I get within my mind .  Sometimes I see pyramids, and sometimes I see ancient people living the way I want live as.

How is it that I want to live you may ask.  I want live on my own land , planting as much Cannabis as I want in order to provide medicine for free or low cost.  I want to grow acres of vegetables to provide food to the homeless.  I want to  build tree homes on my property in order to provide homes for those who don't have shelter and need healing.  I feel as though all of these ideas are going to happen. 

I am a very patient person and I have been waiting all of these years for Cannabis become more easily accessible to those who truly can feel the benefits of the beautiful plant.  I am watching to see what happens next within the Cannabis industry.  Yet at the same time I have this thing called precognition where I can see events happen before they do.  Has to do with actually being someone who partakes of Cannabis on a regular basis for PTSD, Arthritis in both of my knees and ankles, social anxiety, GERD,  and Dyslexia.

I am that watchful eye.  My eyes are watching to see how far the government will go to control people when it comes to their right to choose what medicine works best for whatever illness they are suffering from.

Thank you for stopping by my humble abode here to talk about all things Cannabis

Brightest Blessings,  Trina

You can find me on the following social media platforms:

Instagram: Under the name Darkmoon Doll



You can also check out my art shop .  All of my art is created whilst partaking of Cannabis.

You can email here with questions about Cannabis or my Art:

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Cannabis And Anxiety Panic Attacks

Today I got up at 5 am because I had bad feeling in the pit of my stomach. It is that feeling I always get when I know my landlord is coming by.  I managed to go outside in the backyard and record a Wake And Bake Nature Smoke Session  where I talked about all of the anxiety I feel just from the anticipation of whether or not he is going to show up to finish painting the house that I am renting. 

If you haven't seen the shows where I talk about the trials and tribulations of renting a house from a landlord who can't hear you unless you yell at him, complains about things that make no sense, and goes out on a rage against the plants  in the yard because he still has anger issues from past events that took place here at this house.

The main event was when he had the plumber over here to fix the water main but that was not the responsibility of the plumber to fix it was for the sewage district to take care of. And they do this service for free. So I am thinking that my landlord was angry because he may or may not have spent money paying the plumbers. He and his wife felt the need to tell how much it was costing them to get the plumbing fixed.  I don't remember the exact number but it was over $1000. 

I was really tired of the whole obsession over the grass not being green here.  Almost everyone in our neighborhood's grass is dry as straw.  And it has been over 100 degrees for the past 2 days.  The last time the landlord was here to do landscaping he ended up mowing over the sprinkler system.  Now we are back to watering the line with a regular old timey sprinkler.  They had installed a timed sprinkler system I think last year.  Now it is broken.  My husband knows how to fix it and the repair is a bit over $1.50  .So no huge loss as far as money there.

In my morning wake and bake session I talked about how it is for me to be extremely sensitive.  And I discussed how I found out the true meaning of the word empath. I feel that so many people use this word and are not truly aware of what it means to be an empath. The very first time I heard that word I was watching Star Trek The Next Generation back when I was in my teens years.  Deana Troy was the alien being on the ship that counseled  people within the crew of The Starship Enterprise. She was introduced as being an empath.  Some may say she served no true purpose aboard the ship until she started wearing the starfleet uniform.  I disagree.

I am so sensitive to my landlord plight in life so that is why it is easy for me to take the high road on this whole ordeal.   Adding fire to a flame can cause severe burns and I know about severe burns. 

We are all being tested everyday.  I feel as though I am becoming more and more connected to my mission here on this planet and because of this feeling I have been able to push through the panic and anxiety I feel about living here to make my dreams become a reality

Brightest Blessings To You All
You can find me on instagram under the name Darkmoon Doll

You can also visit my youtube channel The Productive Cannabis Connoisseur

I am also on twitter and facebook:

Sunday, June 11, 2017

I Love Cannabis!!!  Learn more about why by going to my youtube channel The Productive Cannabis Connoisseur

Cannabis And Sex Life

Some people take viagra.  Some people use tools and toys.  I think that the more relaxed you are the more receptive you will be to your partners needs and wants and vice versa.  People get so hung up on thinking whether or not you look attractive enough to your lover. 

When I partake of Cannabis I feel such a deep love for myself that I can't help but feel a deep love, passion, and attraction to my partner.

Cannabis is freaking fantastic!!!

Daily High Club Rant

So I ordered the $12.00 Connoisseur deal from Daily High Club, formerly known as Dollar High Club.  I opened up on my youtube channel called The Productive Cannabis Connoisseur  and found out that I had 3 missing items.  I did not get angry right away.  What I did was after I made the video talking and showing my viewers that I had 3 missing items  I emailed Daily High Club.

Long story short I emailed them a total of 3 times and the only response that I received was a computer generated response pretty much letting me know that my email is in the que of possibly 100's of other emails.

I recently made a video on my youtube channel( The Productive Cannabis Connoisseur) talking about my frustration and disappointment with a company that is suppose to be reputable within the Cannabis community.

I just wanted to try this deal so that I could find different types of rolling papers mainly. And to my dismay I open up a package that has 3 items missing from the list.

I unsubscribed  and I am thinking that maybe because this was only a $12.00 deal they didn't think it was worth taking the time to contact me, apologize and then remedy the situation by sending me the items that were missing and possibly a free gift for the inconvenience.

I said my peace now I'm out and back to staying Irie and at one with Mother Earth

You can follow me on instagram under the name Darkmoon Doll

I Love Cannabis Because

I love Cannabis because this beautiful plant has brought so much relief to millions maybe even billions of people on this planet who are suffering day after with debilating dis-eases in the body, mind and soul.

I love Cannabis because when I am having a stressed out day I can go outside in my backyard and smoke a joint, toke on the bong, or my hash pipe and meditate on the days events. 

I love Cannabis because it has made me even more empathic than I already was .  Because I am very in touch with how those I love are feeling I am better able to help them in their time of need.

I love Cannabis because growing this plant helps to clean up the toxins and poisons that the Government has been spraying on us poor citizen of Northern California.

I love Cannabis because it helps to stop my anxiety attacks that I can get due to be diagnosed as having PTSD, and social anxiety.

I like Cannabis because when I have a hard time stilling my thoughts at night I can slip away in front of my altar with a candle lit and smoke some very intensely strong and mind blowing Indica.  I meditate and connect with my higher self.  I ask for what I want to see in my world and take these thought into the dream world thanks to Mother Cannabis.


Sunday, June 4, 2017

Wake And Bake Smoke Session In Nature

I really have been enjoying Wake and Bake Mother Earth Smoke Sessions.  So many people in this world are suffering and feeling miserable every day because they do not have access to Cannabis.  Cannabis is a plant that can be very healthy and beneficial to one's immune system.  Cannabis can help clean up the environment and has been said to help eliminate radiation if enough plants are grown.

I have been uploading these shows onto my The Productive Cannabis Connoisseur Youtube Channel.

So please do drop by for a friendly smoke session, a bit of deep conversation, and some tea.

Brightest Blessings,


You can find me on instagram under the name Darkmoon Doll


Sunday, March 26, 2017

Green Crack Cannabis Strain Review

Today I review the Cannabis Strain Green Crack.  I read the review that I saw on Wikileaf and I would have to say that it is pretty accurate.  I would like my two cents to the mix.  I myself prefer  indica strains or hybrid strains that are higher in their indica percentage.  With that said I still do smoke sativa strains and sativa hybrids  but only a small amount in comparison to how much indica strains and indica hybrid strains that I smoke.  When you grow your own medicine you have a bit more control over what strains you can smoke.  Especially if you live in a location where Cannabis is available medicinally and for recreational purposes.

So on to the Green Crack.  First of all I do not like that name or any name that people find funny to give to this beautiful herb Cannabis. Snoop Dogg has everything to do with the name.  This strain Green Crack was first called Cush.  They felt it would be too confusing to have Kush and Cush when they have two totally different effects on your body,mind and soul.

For me Green Crack is too speedy as I prefer a nice smooth Indica strain or Indica dominant hybrid strain to Sativa.  Although I have grown some Sativa strains with good success.  I do appreciate what Sativa is and has to offer.  But if I do smoke Sativa it is in small amounts.  And this in no way making an over all statement about what each strain is about.  It is about me using myself as the patient and experiencing the herb and how she affects me personally.

Thank you for stopping by to read my strain review for Green Crack.  I will be doing more strain reviews via my youtube channel under the name The Productive Cannabis Connoisseur.
