Thursday, June 22, 2017

Cannabis And Anxiety Renting Meditation

Today I look at the landlord of the house that I am renting and feel so much anxiety and stress.  I fear that he will get so mad at us that he will kick us out on the street.  I start to get these panicky and frightening thoughts whenever he comes around with his very dark energy.  It is angry energy.  It is anger that has resulted from years of heart break, broken promises, dreams shattered, and no one to listen and truly understand.  Well at least that is what I got from him whenever he has been coming by to do maintenance on the house.

These events happening in my life regarding the landlord has preoccupied more of my  time than I care to have it.  I have been partaking in Cannabis to help the anxiety and panic subside.  And Cannabis has been therapeutic in this somewhat traumatizing experience.  What pisses me off the most is that my husband says that he is really stressed about the landlord coming over and complaining about so many things about this house.  Here's why I am pissed off by my husband saying this.  It is because he is not here to directly feel the impact of angry emotions that the landlord throws my way in a more aggressive than passive way.  

But within reflecting outside in nature after the landlord leaves I am able to partake in my herb without fear of judgement.  And when out sit outside in nature I think about why I am so pissed off. I am glad that my husband is not around when the landlord is here because he has enough to handle going to work for a job that doesn't pay him what he is worth.  Although the other day his boss talked about wanting to possibly give him a raise.  It's about damn time.  He is been working there for ages.

So anyone who wants to know how I manage my anxiety and panic attacks here is what I do:

1. I go outside.

2. I sit in a very comfortable chair or in the grass with my back against a tree, or even lie in the grass with my head back and legs touching the Earth.

3.  I close my eyes and ask for assistance from ArchAngel Michael, My Ancestors, My Spirit Guides, My Guardian Angels and all of the positive beings that are here on Earth with me to help me to remember my spiritual path.

4.  Then I partake in some Cannabis and allow the stress anxiety to flow out of my body and into the Earth.

5.  I then close my eyes and visualize that the fear is passing through my body and then is absorbed by the Earth.

6.  The Earth then neutralizes that negative fear energy and then evaporates it.

That is just a little creative imagination visualization practice that I do if my panic attacks come on too strong for me to handle by merely smoking Cannabis.  I am not saying that is will work for everybody but it is worth a try if you are really suffering.

Thank you for stopping by my humble abode for some information about Cannabis and Anxiety that you can share with your friends and family.

Brightest Blessings To You All

You can find me on these Social Media Platforms:


Instagram: Under the name Darkmoon Doll


You can also check out my art on my etsy shop that is totally cannabis inspired.

You can email me with any questions you may have pertaining to Cannabis.

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