Saturday, June 24, 2017

Black Women Racial Profiling Cannabis

Many are under the assumption that it is only black men or gay me that are discriminated against in the world well this is so untrue.  Black women have a lot of struggles as well.  We are prosecuted very harshly within the judicial system as well.  It just seems as though the media has the hot spots that they like to focus on.  Black woman have a struggle here on Earth as well as Black men and gay men.  What is that struggle you may ask.  The struggle is individual for each Black Woman.

When we walk outside of our homes we are judged.  We are expected to talk a certain way to carry ourselves according to all of the stereotypes that exist in this world.  I refuse to respond to this request.  The other day a person made a comment on one of my videos that seemed to insinuate that I was clueless as to the plight of the black man and the gay man.  Buddy you have no idea.  I saw my dad struggle not to have a white man be in control of him when I was growing up.  I can remember when he worked at this phone company he said really loud one day " I am not going to let some cracker white person tell me how to work or to be my supervisor.  He illustrated how the world treated black me.

I saw one of my brothers struggle so hard to get a job out here in sunny California "the land of opportunity."

I am not a black man or a gay man.  I will never truly understand their plight unless I am either a black man or a gay man.  I do feel sympathy for them both.  I just wish that people can see that the same thing that is going on as far as abusive behavior towards black men and gay me is happening to black women as well.  We are not as viable of an option in the eye of major corporations when it comes to career opportunities unless we straighten the crap out of our hair, wear a wig, or wear braided extensions.

In the Cannabis Community if you are a black woman, have freeform dreadlocks, and have a opinion about the world and  how you want to make positive change in the world through educating those who are wanting to learn about the benefits of Cannabis you are not really taken that seriously.  I am not looking to get tons of followers on my The Productive Cannabis Connoisseur channel. What I am looking to accomplish by having this channel accessible is to provide information about Cannabis that not everyone knows about.

I totally know what it is like to be harassed and hated just because of the color of my skin and my  freeform dreadlocks.  I just wish that people could learn to not make assumptions about a person before they really get a chance to know that person.

I have no ill will against the person who left that comment.  I think that we are all living in a world of our own.  Our perceptions of the world are based on our environment, our parents who raised us or didn't raise us.  The friends we hang out with, or if we are a more solitary person we get influenced more so by nature and our natural instincts about this planet.

I feel that Cannabis is helping people open up and share their own unique perspective about the world .

I hope that Cannabis can do the same for you if you choose to partake of the medicinal plant that is so filled with love.

Brightest Blessings Beautiful Souls

You can find me here on these Social Media Platforms:

You can visit my The Productive Cannabis Connoisseur youtube page to learn more about the wonders of Cannabis and her healing abilities.


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