Thursday, June 22, 2017

Cannabis And The Watchful Eye

Whenever I go outside to partake in my herbal medicine, better known as Cannabis,  I feel like I am honoring my ancestors that came before me.  My ancestors most likely partook in this miraculously healing herb on a daily and nightly basis. So much history has been destroyed about the ancient civilizations and what type of plant life they have been ingesting for ages. 

The good news is we are working hard to recover this lost knowledge.  We are not just going to sites like archeologist searching for that rare fossil.  We are traveling there through thought.  When I sit outside and think about these ancient civilizations  while partaking in Cannabis I notice these images that I get within my mind .  Sometimes I see pyramids, and sometimes I see ancient people living the way I want live as.

How is it that I want to live you may ask.  I want live on my own land , planting as much Cannabis as I want in order to provide medicine for free or low cost.  I want to grow acres of vegetables to provide food to the homeless.  I want to  build tree homes on my property in order to provide homes for those who don't have shelter and need healing.  I feel as though all of these ideas are going to happen. 

I am a very patient person and I have been waiting all of these years for Cannabis become more easily accessible to those who truly can feel the benefits of the beautiful plant.  I am watching to see what happens next within the Cannabis industry.  Yet at the same time I have this thing called precognition where I can see events happen before they do.  Has to do with actually being someone who partakes of Cannabis on a regular basis for PTSD, Arthritis in both of my knees and ankles, social anxiety, GERD,  and Dyslexia.

I am that watchful eye.  My eyes are watching to see how far the government will go to control people when it comes to their right to choose what medicine works best for whatever illness they are suffering from.

Thank you for stopping by my humble abode here to talk about all things Cannabis

Brightest Blessings,  Trina

You can find me on the following social media platforms:

Instagram: Under the name Darkmoon Doll



You can also check out my art shop .  All of my art is created whilst partaking of Cannabis.

You can email here with questions about Cannabis or my Art:

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