Friday, August 4, 2017

Cannabis And Motivation

Some say that Cannabis takes away their passion, their drive for more in life.  And that the average Cannabis partaker just sits on a couch all day eating Doritos and drinking Mountain Dew.  I read this article about what famous celebrities have to say about their experience with Cannabis and I was not too surprised when I read about Robert Downey Jr. saying that cannabis takes away his ambition.  Not the exact words but you get my point.  And who knows for sure if that is indeed what Robert Downey Jr. said.  He was in the news quite a bit when they exposed his addictions to hard drugs.

Before I partake of Cannabis I have intentions that I make.Here are some them that I hope will help you all out if you are feeling unmotivated after partaking in Cannabis:

 One intention is that I am going to sit here in meditation and I will ask the plant for assistance in calming my soul so that I can get into a deep sense of peace and calm. 

The second intention I will make before smoking is that I want the herb to help assist me in my daily chores for the day.  I request that Cannabis help me with my arthritis in my knees and ankles  and help me to get through my day pain free.

Thank you for sitting down to enjoy today's blog.  I hope you all were smoking something tasty while reading.

Brightest Blessings,  The Productive Cannabis Connoisseur

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