Sunday, June 11, 2017

I Love Cannabis Because

I love Cannabis because this beautiful plant has brought so much relief to millions maybe even billions of people on this planet who are suffering day after with debilating dis-eases in the body, mind and soul.

I love Cannabis because when I am having a stressed out day I can go outside in my backyard and smoke a joint, toke on the bong, or my hash pipe and meditate on the days events. 

I love Cannabis because it has made me even more empathic than I already was .  Because I am very in touch with how those I love are feeling I am better able to help them in their time of need.

I love Cannabis because growing this plant helps to clean up the toxins and poisons that the Government has been spraying on us poor citizen of Northern California.

I love Cannabis because it helps to stop my anxiety attacks that I can get due to be diagnosed as having PTSD, and social anxiety.

I like Cannabis because when I have a hard time stilling my thoughts at night I can slip away in front of my altar with a candle lit and smoke some very intensely strong and mind blowing Indica.  I meditate and connect with my higher self.  I ask for what I want to see in my world and take these thought into the dream world thanks to Mother Cannabis.


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