Sunday, June 11, 2017

Daily High Club Rant

So I ordered the $12.00 Connoisseur deal from Daily High Club, formerly known as Dollar High Club.  I opened up on my youtube channel called The Productive Cannabis Connoisseur  and found out that I had 3 missing items.  I did not get angry right away.  What I did was after I made the video talking and showing my viewers that I had 3 missing items  I emailed Daily High Club.

Long story short I emailed them a total of 3 times and the only response that I received was a computer generated response pretty much letting me know that my email is in the que of possibly 100's of other emails.

I recently made a video on my youtube channel( The Productive Cannabis Connoisseur) talking about my frustration and disappointment with a company that is suppose to be reputable within the Cannabis community.

I just wanted to try this deal so that I could find different types of rolling papers mainly. And to my dismay I open up a package that has 3 items missing from the list.

I unsubscribed  and I am thinking that maybe because this was only a $12.00 deal they didn't think it was worth taking the time to contact me, apologize and then remedy the situation by sending me the items that were missing and possibly a free gift for the inconvenience.

I said my peace now I'm out and back to staying Irie and at one with Mother Earth

You can follow me on instagram under the name Darkmoon Doll

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