Saturday, October 17, 2015

Cannabis Lavender Kush Upcycling Recycling Look Book Look #2

Hello everyone.  So today I uploaded  my second show on my Look Book.  And I am doing a look book in the most original way.  One look at a time. Every Saturday I plan on sharing with my viewers and subscribers a look that I put together a lot of the times the look will consist of upcycled items, thrift store finds,and clothing items that I find on sale at department stores like Marshalls,Kmart,or Target.

Here is a photo of my look for the day and I consider it a Fall Season Look. And I have also included the video too.  Please do go to my channel where you can Subscribe and find out more about what I have going on at The Productive Cannabis Connoisseur.  I feel that Cannabis helps tremendously when it comes to expressing myself freely with my clothing.  I don't have a critic yet an herbal guide encouraging me to express my true nature.

I hope you all have the courage to express yourselves based on who you truly are and Cannabis helps to remind me that here on Earth my purpose is to create art and that includes the way that I clothe myself everyday.

Peace Be With You All

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