So if you all don't know I have what are called freeform dreadlocks. Freeform Dreadlocks for me are dreadlocks that are not manipulated in any way. Like the dreadlocks of the Rastafari. Today I made a show for The Productive Cannabis Connoisseur weedtube channel that I have. It had to do with people who go to salons get there dreadlocks maintained yet say that Bob Marley inspired them. I find it hard to believe that you can truly be inspired by Bob Marley as far as dreads go and then go to a salon. Bob Marley to me represent a natural way of living. Ital is what the Rastafari say. I am not Rastafari but I can relate to a lot of what they do believe in.
When I embarked on my dreadlock journey back in 98 I knew that I wanted to give my hair and scalp a much needed rest and to just let Mother Earth do her magick. I am now currently enjoying my freeform dreadlock journey at the 18yr mark of personal experiences so I see myself with my dreads forever.
I hope you all enjoy the video and please check out my channel
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