Thursday, October 29, 2015

Hello all!  So today I did a show on my channel The Productive Cannabis Connoisseur.  The show's topic focused on Ghosts.  I talk about what I think ghosts are and how to communicate with them based on what experienced I have already went through with these energies.

Cannabis has helped me to relax,meditate and gain a peaceful sense of well being.  When I am within this positive vibration of love I am fully protective from those negative energies that ghosts have attached to them.  The more that I partake in the herb and spend a lot of time in nature the more I know how to handle these type of experiences and I get the knowledge on who I can ask to help if I don't have the solution. 

In the past I have had some ghostly encounters that were very confusing but the more that I researched ghosts and listened to others who have had similar experiences I became less frightened and more empowered . When you know why things are happening it makes more sense and the fear is gone just like that.  I believe that the truth is within you but sometimes we require tools to remind us. The resources that I have found helpful for me regarding ghosts have been several of Sylvia Browne's books, some books by Echo Bodine, the show Ghost Hunters, friends that have had similar experiences, and meditating and connecting with my higher self.

I hope you all find the time to get out in nature and enjoy life.  When your energy
is vibrating at a high level you will begin to understand what has been categorized as being Ancient Mysteries. It is only a mystery when people continue to suppress information that can help the good of every Woman, Child,and Man.

Blessings To You And Yours  And Stay Highly Productive!

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Hello Everyone.  Today on my channel The Productive Cannabis Connoisseur I talk about the importance of self expression and how I use art to help heal old wounds from the past.  And also how I use art  along with cannabis on a daily basis to process intense feelings and emotions.  I was sexually and physically abused as a child and from those experiences I have learned that the best way for someone who has been through so much abuse is not always to talk about those traumatic events.  These events in my past helped to make me a stronger spirit and I learned how to heal old wounds one moment at a time by using art as therapy.

I hope you all out there find a way to heal you body,mind,and soul.  I still have some old wounds I am working through.  Cannabis and Art help me to understand and to be patient with myself and others.

Warm Regards, Trina

Saturday, October 17, 2015

Cannabis Lavender Kush Upcycling Recycling Look Book Look #2

Hello everyone.  So today I uploaded  my second show on my Look Book.  And I am doing a look book in the most original way.  One look at a time. Every Saturday I plan on sharing with my viewers and subscribers a look that I put together a lot of the times the look will consist of upcycled items, thrift store finds,and clothing items that I find on sale at department stores like Marshalls,Kmart,or Target.

Here is a photo of my look for the day and I consider it a Fall Season Look. And I have also included the video too.  Please do go to my channel where you can Subscribe and find out more about what I have going on at The Productive Cannabis Connoisseur.  I feel that Cannabis helps tremendously when it comes to expressing myself freely with my clothing.  I don't have a critic yet an herbal guide encouraging me to express my true nature.

I hope you all have the courage to express yourselves based on who you truly are and Cannabis helps to remind me that here on Earth my purpose is to create art and that includes the way that I clothe myself everyday.

Peace Be With You All

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Cannabis Bob Marley Freeform Dreadlocks

So if you all don't know I have what are called freeform dreadlocks.  Freeform Dreadlocks for me are dreadlocks that are not manipulated in any way.  Like the dreadlocks of the Rastafari. Today I made a show for The Productive Cannabis Connoisseur  weedtube channel that I have.  It had to do with people who go to salons get there dreadlocks maintained yet say that Bob Marley inspired them.  I find it hard to believe that you can truly be inspired by Bob Marley as far as dreads go and then go to a salon.  Bob Marley to me represent a natural way of living.  Ital is what the Rastafari say.  I am not Rastafari but I can relate to a lot of what they do believe in.

When I embarked on my dreadlock journey back in 98 I knew that I wanted to give my hair and scalp a much needed rest and to just let Mother Earth do her magick.  I am now currently enjoying my freeform dreadlock journey at the 18yr mark of personal experiences so I see myself with my dreads forever.

I hope you all enjoy the video and please check out my channel

Peace To You All  Trina