Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Cannabis Freeform Dreadlocks Mother Earth Spirit Helpers

On today's show Cannabis and Freeform Dreadlocks I discuss the best way to tap into your true self.  I always promote going out in nature to really get back to what is real.  People still use the term keeping it real.  But do they really know what it is to be real.  So many people are walking around feeling confused and not sure where their life should be at this moment. 

I am here to tell you that the way that I learned to brush off of the negativity regarding those who do not like my freeform dreadlocks or that I smoke cannabis is by getting out within nature as much as possible. I also discuss how I believe that everyone has their own spiritual guidance. This spiritual guidance can be spirit guides, angels, Arch Angel Michael, gods, goddesses and those benevolent beings that serve the purpose of being here on Earth when you call to ask for assistance.

I discussed on today's show how you can compare treatment of those who have Freeform Dreadlocks and those who partake in Cannabis as the same experience.  I still get  negative comments regarding my dreadlocks even though I have had them for 19 yrs now.  And I don't share the fact that I am Medical Cannabis patient with people outside of the internet. 

I have learned that not all people who partake in Cannabis are alike.  Everyone is at a different stage in their life so they are going to not be ready for something to different from the status quo.  Polite society is not my friend.  I think too deeply and care too deeply about the world that  I live in to be consumed with artificiality of the masses.

Thank you all so much for reaching out and asking questions about your life's journey .  Because by asking questions you learn all that you need to know for your purpose here on Earth right here and right now.

Brightest Blessings,


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