Friday, April 19, 2019

9 Reasons Why Medical Cannabis Patient Celebrate 420

So hello,

I know it has been quite a while.  I just moved with my son and husband to a 1 bedroom apt. in a less than desirable area. Yet no problems with finding herb. It will be 420 tomorrow and although I don't have as much cannabis as I did last 420 I have some herb to celebrate.  Now why would a Medical Cannabis Patient celebrate 420 you may ask well let me tell just a few reasons why:

1. To realize that we have come so far but still have so far to go with the Cannabis Laws here on this planet.

2. 420 is like a chance for non medical patients and medical patients to show each other that Cannabis is medicine whether you want to call your usage of it to be recreational..

3.  You get a chance as a Medical Cannabis Patient to appeal to those who only view Cannabis as a party drug that you use cannabis for said condition and that perhaps someone who considers themselves as only recreational smoker to see that perhaps they have been using Cannabis medicinally after all.

4. We as Medical Cannabis Patients can participate in marches and protests if we choose to get our voices heard.

5.  You take this special day to enlighten your family on why you have decided to medicate with Cannabis and instead opiates.

6.  You can demonstrate to friends and family how good cannabis is for the environment as well as whatever condition you are using cannabis to treat. How can you do that? If you are a grower of cannabis you can share the process of which way that you grow your own herbal medicine.  When others learn how easy it is to grow and how beneficial it is for the health and wealth of this world we become the truly highly evolved civilization we were meant to be.

7. You can show friends and family documentaries that you have seen about how cannabis can help heal for really severe conditions.  Like for instance a little girl named Charlotte Figi was given a special kind of  cbd oil to help control her seizures from her condition known as Dravet Syndrome.  These kind of stories lets people who are of a more conservative point of view see that Cannabis is not a party drug and deserves more respect than it has been getting throughout the decades that it has been illegal.

8. You show those who assume that all cannabis partakers are lazy shiftless bums that actually the average Medical Cannabis Patient is very productive in this world. You can look all of  the famous artists out there that are prosperous and productive.  Kevin Smith a comic artist I saw on the Youtube Channel Getting Doug With High says he likes to get medicated with Cannabis and create art.  And he is a good example of being both productive and creative while partaking in this beautiful herb Cannabis.

9.If you are a Medical Cannabis Patient and suffer from chronic pain as the result of having the condition of Arthritis, MS, Crohn's Disease, or Fibromyalgia you can educate your friends and family members about what you experience on a daily basis with having being diagnosed with these conditions.  And explain to them how Cannabis truly helps to soothe and heal your conditions.

I hope you all have a safe and relaxing 420 in this year of 2019.  I still know that we have so much more to do when it comes to freeing the herb.  Cannabis is medicine and it always will be.