Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Cannabis Giving Advice Mother Earth

The wise wisdom that Cannabis has been giving me lately is to not give into the game.  The game is the sport that people play involving strong emotional charges and indecision.  It is like adding more and more fire to the flame.  I am one to not enjoy arguments.  Especially arguments about silly petty material things. It seems I find myself retreating more and more to Mother Earth so that I don't allow myself to get wrapped up in unnecessary drama. 

One of the dramas that can occur is when someone asks me what should I do with my life or can you help me find a profession that will make me happy. When I give advice that I feel is appropriate and that suits that person it makes me feel joy in my heart that I could help someone figure out their life path.What I am learning though is that not everyone who asks for help really wants help from you.  Sometimes that will ask you to help them get out of their rut and not even want to take the advice that you give.

I am learning not to get upset anymore when you give some advice and they don't take that advice until several years done the road.  And then make it seem as though this advice came from all of these other more qualified sources than you.  When this happens many times in your life you learn to smile and listen.  And just to know that you are not the one that this person wants to learn from.

Cannabis has helped me with patience for this human race.  It reminds me to slow down and to not take everything someone says to me to heart. Many people are speaking words without any intention behind them. So how can they hear any voices of wisdom .

Brightest Blessings To You All


email: blacknails31@yahoo.com