So I want to talk to you about PTSD and why I was told by a psychologist that I have it. So about a month ago I went to human resources in order to find a psychologist to talk to about my panic attacks,memories and nightmares of experiences from my childhood and the traumatic experience I had in the Army where I suffered so much anxiety and stress from racist drill sergeants and poor living conditions.
A psychologist asked me basic questions regarding my reasons for why I think that I have PTSD.When I told her about how I was raped and molested as a child by one of my older siblings and how it affects my ability to have all pleasant dreams at night . She said that I definitely have PTSD and that there were support groups that I can find out more about. She gave me some numbers of different groups to join. And next month I have an appointment to see a psychologist in order to have counseling for this condition and to heal from the past.
With the help of Cannabis Meditation, Yoga, walks in nature, and art I have been processing old events in my life with an open heart and an open mind
I am sharing with you all some videos that I made on my channel The Productive Cannabis Connoisseur talking about PTSD and how Cannabis alleviates the symptoms of PTSD.
Thank you for taking the time out to read my blog and I hope you find my channel interesting enough to subscribe to and to share with the your friends and family.